The following are sample HTTP requests and responses.
The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
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certifiedId: String,
Make: String,
Model: String,
trim: 0,
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extColor1: String,
exteriorColorCode: String,
extColor2: String,
exteriorColorCode2: String,
interiorColor: String,
interiorColorCode: String,
vehicleLocation: String,
inventoryStatusCD: 0,
description: String,
lastUpdateListPrice: 0,
datePosted: 0001-01-01,
exteriorStatus: 0,
interiorStatus: 0,
photoStatus: 0,
adReviewStatus: 0,
pricingStatus: 0,
postingStatus: 0,
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transferPrice: 0,
transferForRetailOnly: False,
dueForReprice: 0,
lowActivityFlag: 0,
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hasCarfax: 0,
hasCarfaxAdmin: 0,
CertificationName: String,
certifiedProgramId: 0,
MakeId: 0,
ModelId: 0,
CarsDotComMakeID: 0,
CarsDotComModelId: 0,
AutoTraderMake: String,
AutoTraderModel: String,
segmentId: 0,
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FinalPrice: 0,
Rebates: 0
accountingCost: 0